Baum zur Guten Hoffnung (Archiv)

EN- "Tree of Hope" - an Art Project by Vera Staub

März 2022

"Tree of hope" - An art project by Vera Staub

Like so many people everywhere, I found myself overwhelmed with emotions when the war

in Ukraine started, often feeling paralyzed by the sheer scale of human suffering it has caused and yet unable to focus on anything else. Instead of fighting my own feelings of powerlessness and, at times, despair, I've since come to embrace them, using this emotional state as starting * point for an art project called "The tree of hope" (in German: "Baum zur Guten Hoffnung"). As to the title: When taken literally, the German expression "guter Hoffnung sein" means to

be hopeful or optimistic. But to call someone "guter Hoffnung" is also a somewhat antiquated
and veiled reference to them being pregnant.

Now importantly, this project is going to have a participatory dimension to it. It will ultimately consist of a series of drawings that I'm going to make and publish over the next couple of weeks, each inspired by a different tree and a different location. I would love for lots of people to send me pictures of trees that I can use as a template and/or share my drawings with others, thus sending them on a virtual world tour.

So here is the general idea behind this project: The visual that I've had in mind from the start is one of several colorful replicas of pregnant bellies hanging in a tree. From afar, they might resemble balloons advertising a celebration. Upon closer inspection of the objects, however, this festive mood gives way to a more pensive one. After all, the nature of whatever is growing inside these bellies has yet to be determined.

The simultaneous existence of, and inextricable links between, every person's creative potential and the recognition of their own limits has been a recurring theme in my art. The visceral experience of one's own immense creativity alongside the distinct feeling of a lack of control over the outcomes may be particularly acute in someone who's pregnant. But in my opinion, it is a quintessential human experience, and a paradox that is particularly evident in these times. Thus, by showcasing their universality, I would like to rid the intense emotions evoked by the current moment in time of their isolating power. Therefore, in my understanding, hope is entirely compatible with anxiety and uncertainty. This sentiment is expressed in a condensed manner in the following quote that is sometimes attributed to Martin Luther: "Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree today".

I'm very much looking forward to taking you on this journey! Please share these drawings with others and let me know if you have a favorite tree in your neighborhood...

Rolling and on and on... Please share! For suggestions for further trees / stops: